Students wishing to graduate with distinction in African & African American Studies must submit an application form by March 1st of the junior year. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for details on the application process and the application form. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3.
Expected Product
To graduate with distinction, a senior thesis that makes an original contribution to the field of African or African American Studies is required. Additionally, all students are expected to engage in archival and/or field research. Completed thesis projects are due to the thesis committee by March 15th of the senior year. The thesis should be a minimum of 60 pages. The requirements for other forms of submission (e.g., video, photographic) will be determined in consultation with the student, thesis advisor, and Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Thesis Committee and Evaluation Procedure
The candidate will establish a three person thesis committee comprising of an advisor and two other faculty members. The thesis advisor and at least one of the two other faculty members must hold an appointment in the Department of African & African American Studies. The student's advisor is responsible for overseeing the progress of the project. The candidate will offer an oral defense of the thesis project before the faculty thesis committee by April 15th of the senior year.
Levels of Distinction
Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction.
Other Requirements
During the senior year, AAAS majors must take the capstone seminar, AAAS 499S. In addition, students in the distinction program must enroll in AAAS 495 in the Fall and AAAS 496 in the Spring.
Single Honor Thesis
Double Honors for a Single Thesis Written for Two Separate Departments
Students wishing to pursue double honors must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to discuss this in detail.